My experience at Sun Ray Spas was fantastic, knowledgeable staff who have an excellent understanding of how there manufactured Spa's are made. For Example, Sun Ray Spas are designed to handle Alberta's winters very effectively as they are manufactured right here in Edmonton. High density insulation, solid pressure treated bottom quick and removable jets they are also made for easy servicing(my favorite part). You can buy new or used tubs. Used tubs(which is what i bought) are brought in and completely re-conditioned by Sun Ray. They complete a leak test, pump and heater performance test, refurbish the outside red cedar with and colour you choose. When you are searching for a good quality spa, walk into Sun Ray Spas, they will take you into there manufacturing warehouse and show and explain how each and every tub is made and configured to suit everyone's needs. Once you purchase your tub from them, if you have problems go talk to them, they will meet or exceed your expectations in the service you will provide. They offer in-house warranties as well, and if you have a warranty problem, Sun Ray does not just put a bandage on the problem they replace the entire problem area with new parts so you won't have a problem again. Also they have 30 year warranties on there shells, that tells me, i would be surprised to see a problem with tub cracks etc.
Overall, If you want a tub, New or Used, go to Sun Ray, theirs no other place like it in Edmonton!!