Cherry and Clark Roofing Company Ltd

Mississauga ON L5L 5Y1
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Barbara Freeman from Oakville
Barbara Freeman from Oakville
1 review Oakville, ON

Roofing Repair

In 2008 Burlington Roofers (Hamilton) installed a new roof on my townhouse. Two years later, I developed a leak which required my ceiling to be partially replaced and painted. Burlington Roofers did the repair...but only after numerous calls (to many to mention).

In 2013 another leak developed. Burlington Roofers came out to my place on several occasions – and guessed at where it was coming from. However after 8 months, Burlington Roofers were not able to determine where the leak was originating from and basically refused to come out any further, to investigate / solve it.

Burlington Roofers said it was not their responsibility and the last few times I called them...the owner Bob Tomlin was angry at me for calling (for a leaking roof – destroying my ceiling – again – which was under his warranty).

Neighbours of mine recommended Cherry and Clark. I called the company and explained my situation. Reg Burns (the Vice-President) responded to my call. Reg was knowledgeable, empathetic and sympathetic.

Before I knew it Reg was out to my place to assess the situation. He offered two solutions for consideration – replace part of the roof – or replace the entire back portion. There was no pressure applied and a written quote was provided for both.

I went with replacing the entire back of my townhouse. The replacement was completed within weeks of the quote.

The day following the roof replacement, I had to call Reg to ensure the work had been done. There was no indication that anyone had been debris, everything on my patio was intact / in-place. Reg thanked me for the indeed the roof had been replaced (my neighbours confirmed this).

Reg followed-up a couple of times to see if the roof repair had solved the leak. We did have a few rainfalls, but they were minor and the roof did not leak. Even though we have to wait until spring to confirm 100% the leak issue is solved (as the cold-freezing weather appeared so very early, in the latter part of 2013), I am so confident that it is!

All-in-all, I am so very satisfied with Cherry and Clark Roofing in Oakville/Mississauga. Reg Burns was exceptional and the workers seem to have completed a fantastic roofing job.

Cherry and Clark presented as very professional and followed through with their workmanship. The job was completed in a very timely manner and as mentioned above, I could not tell the workers’ had been in my back yard / or on my patio!

Thank you Cherry and Clark.

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Company Response

Thanks for the review Barbara, you were a pleasure to work for. Thank you also for connecting me with your neighbor who needed a large new skylight!
Cherry and Clark Roofing